buggy board

How to find the best buggy board for your family

How to find the best buggy board for your family - For Your Little One

Juggling two young kids is not an easy feat, particularly when it's a baby and a toddler who is just beginning to walk and explore the world. Buggy boards are brilliant solutions for parents who don't want to invest in a double buggy but know that their eldest child tires easily and is not yet ready to walk long distances. But what makes for the best buggy board and what features should you be looking out for when choosing one? We're here to help.


What are buggy boards?

'Buggy boards' is a phrase commonly used to describe ride-on boards. They are compact platforms with wheels that attach to pushchairs in order that an additional child can be transported along with the one in the buggy seat. They simply clip onto the back of pushchairs and they make it possible for the child to stand or sit while the stroller is pushed along. Buggy boards are suitable for toddlers that can stand or sit unaided, but who are not yet confident walkers or get tired quickly. They're brilliant for parents with two young kids who don't want to have to invest in a double buggy.


What age can you use buggy boards?

Toddlers tend to be able to use a buggy board from the age of two and can continue to do so up to the age of five. Make sure your child is able to stand up unaided, and check the maximum weight limits of the buggy board you're using. Ride-on boards can be unsafe if used by children who are too big, so once your oldest child is big enough to walk with you, it's time to retire the buggy board.

Are all buggy boards universal?

Not every buggy board will fit every pushchair. It's important to check the dimensions of the attachment clips and the pushchair tubing to ensure a board is compatible. Many pushchair brands will recommend using their own brand of buggy board to ensure compatibility. However, you can look for universal buggy boards such as ours, which are designed to fit almost any pushchair. These have a series of adjustable parts to ensure they clip onto the pushchair securely and safely. A universal option is the best buggy board to choose if it will be used with multiple different pushchairs.


Is it hard to walk with a buggy board?

Since buggy boards clip onto the back of pushchairs, there is a learning curve when you first start using them. They can be a bit tricky to manoeuvre on uneven ground, so they are not ideal for adventurous off-road walks. However, if you're looking for a transport solution for taking short walks and running errands with two kids, they're a fantastic choice. Double pushchairs are quite heavy and bulky and some parents find these even trickier to manoeuvre in tight spaces than single buggies with buggy boards. A single buggy and ride-on board combination have the benefit of being relatively lightweight and slim, which makes it a great choice for navigating busy high streets and supermarket aisles.


What makes for the best buggy board?

In our mind, the best buggy board is a universal one that can be attached to any pushchair. You can then use it with any buggy, no matter the brand, and if you change your buggy in the future, you don't have to buy a new board. Another handy feature to look out for is quick-release detachment clips. Many modern pushchairs are designed to quickly and easily fold down for effortless storage or transport. You don't want to be struggling with fiddly clips on the buggy board every time you fold down your pushchair, so for the sake of avoiding any hassle, definitely look out for quick-release functions. Some buggy boards are simply a platform with wheels and are designed for kids to stand on. However, this isn't ideal for younger kids who tire easily. We think the best boards have removable seats so that younger kids can rest on them. Really good buggy boards have height-adjustable seats to ensure the saddle is at a safe and comfortable height for the child - their feet ought to be rested firmly on the platform to reduce the risk of accidents.


What are some other travel options for parents with two kids?

The main alternative travel system for two kids is a double pushchair. These might have the seats in tandem (one in front of the other) or side by side (usually known as 'twin' pushchairs). Tandem pushchairs are slimmer and some people find them easier to use. However, the problem is that the child in the rear seat could have limited visibility and you might end up with arguments as to who gets to sit up front! Twin pushchairs put the kids side by side, but they are wider and can be harder to manoeuvre in tight spaces. Depending on the age of your youngest child, another alternative is a baby carrier. These are ergonomically designed to support your neck and shoulders while safely carrying the full weight of your baby. They also have the benefit of keeping your little one close to your chest where they feel safe and secure while leaving your hands free to push your older child in a buggy. Baby carriers might not be a permanent solution, depending on the style. Some are designed only for newborn babies and cannot be used over the age of six months. However, some of those designed for babies over six months are sturdy enough to be used right up until the age of two or three. Be sure to check out our full range of pushchairs, travel systems and accessories for more ideas on transporting your little ones.

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