
Expecting Parents: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Birth Certificates

Expecting Parents: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Birth Certificates - For Your Little One

Becoming a parent comes with a whirlwind of preparations—from pushchairs and car seats to nurseries and clothes, not to mention the actual labor. With so much on your mind, it's easy to overlook one crucial detail: your baby's birth certificate. We're here to help with that!

Understanding the Costs and Rules

When it comes to registering your baby’s birth and ordering their birth certificate, there are some costs and rules you might not be aware of. In this blog, we’ll answer your most frequently asked questions, from the cost of a birth certificate to the registration deadlines.

How Much Does a Birth Certificate Cost?

In the UK, a birth certificate costs £12.50 and is typically sent out four days after your application. If you don’t have a GRO index reference number, an additional £3.50 is charged per search. Need it faster? The priority service costs £38.50 and guarantees next working day delivery if ordered by 4pm. Extra copies cost the same.

Types of Birth Certificates

There are two types of birth certificates:

  • Short version: Contains only the baby’s details.
  • Full version: Includes details of both the baby and the parents.

After registering your baby’s birth, you can purchase either version for the same price.

Who Can Register a Birth?

Male + Female Couples

  • If married or in a civil partnership, either parent can register the birth alone and include both parents’ details.
  • If unmarried, both parents’ details can be included if they register together, one completes a statutory declaration of parentage, or a court document like a parental responsibility order is presented.
  • The mother can choose to register the birth alone if not together with the father, with the possibility to add the father's details later.

Female + Female Couples

  • Married or civil partnered couples can have either parent register the birth if the mother has a child by donor insemination or fertility treatment.
  • Unmarried couples can include both names if treated together at a licensed UK clinic or if they have a parenthood agreement. They must register together, complete a statutory acknowledgement, or obtain a court document for parental responsibility.

Male + Male Couples

  • Must obtain a parental order from the court before being registered as parents.

Registering the Birth

To register your baby's birth, visit your local register office or do it at the hospital before discharge. You’ll need:

  • Place and date of birth
  • Baby’s sex, name, and surname
  • Parents' names, surnames, addresses, birthplaces, and birthdates
  • Parents' marriage or civil partnership date
  • Parents' occupations
  • Mother’s maiden name

Bring necessary documents such as passports, birth certificates, driving licenses, proof of address, council tax bill, and marriage or civil partnership certificate.

Deadline to Register a Birth

In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, births must be registered within 42 days. Failing to do so will prompt a follow-up to ensure registration.

Replacing a Birth Certificate

Need a replacement? Order via the website for the standard £12.50, or use the priority service for £38.50 if urgent.

We hope this guide helps you feel more prepared for your baby’s arrival. For more newborn essentials, explore our curated collection to find everything you need for your new bundle of joy!

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