Pregnancy Pillow

How to use pregnancy pillow after giving birth

How to use pregnancy pillow after giving birth - For Your Little One
Pregnancy pillows are a fantastic investment for expectant mums. They support the natural contours of the body for a more comfortable night's sleep when that baby bump is growing fast. However, once the baby has arrived many mums find themselves wondering what to do with these large and bulky pillows. Read on to learn how to use pregnancy pillows long after your little one has arrived so that you can make the most of your investment.

How to use pregnancy pillow for sleep after giving birth

Pregnancy pillows are often used to support a healthy side-sleeping position during pregnancy. Sleeping on the side is recommended to improve blood circulation while pregnant, but after giving birth there is no need to maintain this position from a medical point of view. Nonetheless, it takes time for the body to recover after giving birth and you may still find it more comfortable to sleep on your side as your back and hips recover. The pregnancy pillow can help you to maintain this side-sleeping position for as long as you feel you need it, so don't rush to remove the pregnancy pillow from your bedding. Many new mums find that they develop more back pain after giving birth as a result of lifting, carrying and breastfeeding their baby. Even bending over repeatedly to put baby in and out of their cot can lead to strain on the muscles in the neck, shoulders and lower back. A pregnancy pillow can help to relieve these sore areas during the night so that your muscles have chance to relax and recover. Thanks to the malleable nature of this type of pillow, you can manipulate it around your body in whatever way gives you the most support. Raising a newborn is incredibly tiring work, particularly when you've just gone through the exhausting process of giving birth. With frequent night feeds and nappy changes, it's important to get as much good quality sleep as possible whenever you can. Using a pregnancy pillow to achieve a comfortable sleeping position might help you to drift off to sleep faster and enjoy deeper, better quality sleep.

How to use pregnancy pillows as nursing pillows

Nursing pillows are U-shaped cushions designed to be wrapped around the waist to support the baby when breastfeeding. They can help to stop mums from hunching over and straining their shoulders and neck while nursing. If you'd prefer not to buy a separate nursing pillow, you could learn how to use a pregnancy pillow for breastfeeding instead. Simply place it over your lap and wrap it around your waist. Then you can lay baby on top of it to raise them up to your breast. The ends of the pregnancy pillow could also help to support your back to improve your comfort. Many women opt to use both a pregnancy pillow and a nursing pillow at the same time. The nursing pillow goes around mum's waist for baby, while the pregnancy pillow is used to support mum's back and shoulders and to help raise their arms. This is particularly helpful when breastfeeding in a semi-reclined position, one which is particularly helpful for avoiding neck and shoulder strain.

How to use a pregnancy pillow for tummy time

Pregnancy pillows - and nursing pillows for that matter - are handy tools for tummy time. This is where a baby is placed on their stomach to encourage them to exercise and build strength in their back, shoulders and neck. It supports motor and sensory development and should be started as soon as baby comes home from the hospital. Newborns must be kept very close by during tummy time, and laying them across the lap is a great way to do it. A pregnancy pillow makes for a good flat and comfortable surface for this, so place the pillow over your lap close to your body and lay baby on top, keeping a firm hold on them to ensure they don't wriggle away.

How to use a pregnancy pillow for cuddles with little ones

Since pregnancy pillows are so long and malleable, they can be used to get cosy and cuddle up with your toddler or young child. You can use them to help prop either yourself or your little one up into a comfortable position or to help you hold your child close against you without putting too much strain on your arms, shoulders or back. Many toddlers are soothed by having regular cosy cuddle time with their parents and it can be an important way to support bonding. Older children might benefit from using the pregnancy pillow by themselves. For example, the pillow could help them get comfy when lounging on the floor to watch television. If you have a child that has a difficult time getting to sleep, you could encourage them to wrap themselves up with the pillow on the sofa for half an hour before bed to help them relax and get sleepy.

How to use a pregnancy pillow for car journeys

If you regularly go on long car journeys, a pregnancy pillow is a brilliant travel accessory for passengers. Kids can cosy up with it in the back to get comfortable, and they may be more likely to drift off to sleep with a lovely soft pillow for comfort. Adult passengers might find a pregnancy pillow helpful for supporting their head and neck if they want to take a nap along the way. If you do travel with a pregnancy pillow, be sure to take one or two spare covers with you in case it gets dirty.


We have a wide range of covers available, as well as a vast collection of pillows in our store. Be sure to check out our high quality and affordable pregnancy pillows that could support you not only through pregnancy but for many years to come.

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